Reunião inicial do projeto PerMedFH

January 09, 2024

PerMedFH project kick-off meeting
Nos dias 8 e 9 de Janeiro ocorreu no Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr Ricardo Jorge em Lisboa a reunião de lançamento do projeto europeu “PerMed FH – Personalizing diagnosis and treatment for Familial Hypercholesterolemia”, coordenado pela Doutora Mafalda Bourbon, um dos projetos vencedores do prémio CaixaResearch de Investigação em Saúde 2023 pela Fundação “la Caixa”.

Estiveram presentes todos os parceiros do projeto: Doutor Simon Pfisterer da Universidade de Helsínquia (Finlândia), Doutor Eric Sjibrands do Hospital Universitário de Roterdão (Países Baixos), Doutor Gilles Lambert da Universidade de “La Réunion Medical School” (França) e Magdalena Daccord da “FH Europe Foundation”.


On January 8th and 9th at Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr Ricardo Jorge in Lisbon, the kick-off meeting of the European project “PerMed FH – Personalizing diagnosis and treatment for Familial Hypercholesterolemia” took place, coordinated by Doctor Mafalda Bourbon, one of the winning projects of the CaixaResearch Health Research 2023 award by the “la Caixa” Foundation.

All project partners were present: Doctor Simon Pfisterer from the University of Helsinki (Finland), Doctor Eric Sjibrands from the University Hospital of Rotterdam (Netherlands), Doctor Gilles Lambert from the University of “La Réunion Medical School” (France) and Magdalena Daccord from the “FH Europe Foundation”.